In this entry, we’ll do a detailed code walkthrough of the changes that were made to get to this point.
The Starting Repo Tag
The Ending Repo Tag
The Comparison Between the Two Tags
The ITCB_SDK_Central_internal.swift
public func sendQuestion(_ inQuestion: String) { self.question = inQuestion }
First, we added code to actually use Core Bluetooth to send the question to the Peripheral.
public func sendQuestion(_ inQuestion: String) { if let data = .utf8), let peripheral = _peerInstance as? CBPeripheral, let service =[_static_ITCB_SDK_8BallServiceUUID.uuidString], let questionCharacteristic = service.characteristics?[_static_ITCB_SDK_8BallService_Question_UUID.uuidString], let answerCharacteristic = service.characteristics?[_static_ITCB_SDK_8BallService_Answer_UUID.uuidString] { peripheral.writeValue(data, for: questionCharacteristic, type: .withoutResponse) peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, for: answerCharacteristic) question = inQuestion } else { question = nil } }
That “self.
” was not necessary, so I removed it. Just a matter of style.
Next, we added code to the CBPeripheralDelegate
extension to catch it when the answer is returned.
public func peripheral(_ inPeripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor inCharacteristic: CBCharacteristic, error inError: Error?) { if let service =[_static_ITCB_SDK_8BallServiceUUID.uuidString], let answerCharacteristic = service.characteristics?[_static_ITCB_SDK_8BallService_Answer_UUID.uuidString], let answerData = answerCharacteristic.value, let answerString = String(data: answerData, encoding: .utf8), !answerString.isEmpty { inPeripheral.setNotifyValue(false, for: answerCharacteristic) answer = answerString } }
I’ll walk through what I did, but first, I want to talk about a change in another file:
The ITCB_SDK_internal.swift
I added these two methods, which are Array
extension Array where Element == CBService { public subscript(_ inUUIDString: String) -> Element! { return reduce(nil) { (current, nextItem) in return nil == current ? (nextItem.uuid.uuidString == inUUIDString ? nextItem : nil) : current } } } extension Array where Element == CBCharacteristic { public subscript(_ inUUIDString: String) -> Element! { return reduce(nil) { (current, nextItem) in return nil == current ? (nextItem.uuid.uuidString == inUUIDString ? nextItem : nil) : current } } }
I used Swift’s extension mechanism to add a “lookup” subscript to the Array class, if the contents are Service or Characteristic objects.
If they are, then I allow a String to be passed in, which is the String expression of the CBUUID that we have assigned a Service or Characteristic. This allows us to very quickly get a particular Service or Characteristic (because we are only using one Service -for now- we could just get the first element of the services Array, but this is a much better way to do it).
Back to the Peripheral Device Class
In this step, I simply extract the Data representation of the question String. The Characteristic write request wants Data, so we will need to provide Data.
let data = .utf8),
In this step, I simply cast our typeless peer property into a CBPeripheral.
let peripheral = _peerInstance as? CBPeripheral,
Using that Array extension I mentioned above, I get our “Magic 8-Ball” Service.
let service =[_static_ITCB_SDK_8BallServiceUUID.uuidString],
Again, using the Array extension, I get the Question Characteristic from the Magic 8-Ball Service.
let charcteristic = service.characteristics?[_static_ITCB_SDK_8BallService_Question_UUID.uuidString]
First I ask the Peripheral object to request a write, using the Data from the String, and for the Question Characteristic. I am not looking for a response.
peripheral.writeValue(data, for: charcteristic, type: .withoutResponse)
Finally, I “subscribe” to the answer Characteristic, which tells Core Bluetooth to get back to me, when the answer Characteristic changes value.
peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, for: answerCharacteristic)
At this point, Core Bluetooth takes over, and will send the question to the Peripheral.
After that, I’ll set the “question” property to the String.
NOTE: The Central does not change the Characteristic. What it does, is send a new value that it is proposing for the Characteristic to the Peripheral. The Peripheral will then decide whether or not to accept the proposed change.
The ITCB_SDK_Peripheral_internal.swift
File (the Peripheral End of Things)
I added the CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
callback for receiving a write request.
public func peripheralManager(_ inPeripheralManager: CBPeripheralManager, didReceiveWrite inWriteRequests: [CBATTRequest]) { guard 1 == inWriteRequests.count, let mutableChar = inWriteRequests[0].characteristic as? CBMutableCharacteristic, let data = inWriteRequests[0].value, let stringVal = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else { return } mutableChar.value = data if nil == central { central = ITCB_SDK_Device_Central(inWriteRequests[0].central, owner: self) } _sendQuestionAskedToAllObservers(device: central, question: stringVal) }
Let’s walk through what happens:
- We use a guard statement to:
- Make sure that we only have one write request (We could, theoretically, get more than one)
- fetch the Characteristic that the Central wants to change, but as a mutable one (the one we created, earlier)
- Extract the proposed change, as Data
- Convert that data to a String.
- We assume the data is good, and simply change the Characteristic value to the new value.
- If the Central has not already been assigned, We create a new
instance, with theCBCentral
that was passed in via the write request, and set it to our instance stored property. - We inform observers that the question was asked.
In order to accomplish step #3, I created a new initializer for the ITCB_SDK_Device_Central
class, with CBCentral
and “owner” arguments:
init(_ inCentral: CBCentral, owner inOwner: ITCB_SDK_Peripheral) { super.init() owner = inOwner _peerInstance = inCentral subscribedChar = nil }
I added a CBPeripheralManager
delegate callback to react to the Central subscription. I do the check for the central
property being nil
, because sometimes, the subscription may arrive before the write (remember what I said about “chaos”?), and we need to make sure the central is in place. We did the same check in the write request:
public func peripheralManager(_ inPeripheralManager: CBPeripheralManager, central inCentral: CBCentral, didSubscribeTo inCharacteristic: CBCharacteristic) { if nil == central { central = ITCB_SDK_Device_Central(inCentral, owner: self) } if let central = central as? ITCB_SDK_Device_Central { central.subscribedChar = inCharacteristic } }
The “Magic 8-Ball” app is now completely functional. We can run a Mac or iPhone as a Peripheral (even multiple Peripherals), and any of the apps as a Central.
The Central will discover and list the Peripherals. It should be noted that a Central “captures” the Peripheral when it lists it, so no other Central will be able to find that Peripheral.
The Central can “ask a question” of a Peripheral.
The Peripheral will be notified that a “question has been asked,” and will allow the user to either send a random answer, or one selected from a list.
The Central will then display the answered question.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s wrap up…