The Road Most Traveled By

“There’s always an easy solution to every human problem; Neat, plausible and wrong.”

H. L. Mencken

Woods Path

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So I’m not even going to try to impress anyone with poitry. There’s the famous poem, where everyone thinks the poet celebrates individuality, bravely goes down “The Road Less Traveled By,” and gets all kinds of rewards for being an individualist.

Lotta folks think it’s sort of the opposite. The chap wanders down the “Road Less Traveled By,” and eventually wishes he’d followed the herd. That’s pretty much where I’m going with this post. Sorry. No inspirational TED talk here.

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Concrete Galoshes

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“The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best -and therefore never scrutinize or question.”

Stephen Jay Gould

“Concrete Galoshes” is the nickname I give to project assets that “weigh the project down.” Those aspects of the project that prevent it from changing, or at least that make project changes more difficult.

“Concrete Galoshes” are not always bad. In fact, projects that have no structure are often referred to in the vernacular as “failures.”

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