The name “Swiftwater” stems from this book, which I read as a kid in the 7th or 8th grade.
This series deals with my maturation as a Swift developer. Although I’ve been writing (and releasing apps in) Swift since 2014, I still need to learn a lot more.
As I learn, I’ll occasionally need to explore certain concepts by creating a big playground, and experimenting with the concept.
For some of these, I plan to create blog posts. I like to explore “why” something is. I don’t just like to accept “that it is.”
I also like to try to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate. I want to find the boundaries.
Every one of these topics is deeper than what I cover here, but I think that I generally get to the heart of things, and explore application in a real-world scenario.
Another reason that I am writing this series is as “a note to self.” I work at a fairly blistering pace, and often forget stuff I don’t use, so I need notes to refresh my memory.
A Quick Introduction to the Swift programming Language
- Who Is This For?
- Basic Philosophies
- History
- Swift Language Usage
- What This Presentation Covers
- Some Basics
- Main Characteristics
- More Phun Phacts
- Why I Love Swift
- Compiled, but Looks Like A Scripted Language
- Protocols (AKA “Interfaces”)
- Extensions
- Enums
- Generics
- Optionals
- Branches
- Collections and Ranges
- Conclusion
- Many Rabbit-Holes to Explore